Indian Dolphin Hug

Indian Dolphin Hug
Love For Mother Earth

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Earth Friendly Organic Halloween Makeup

Next to Christmas and Thanksgiving, Halloween is one of the most celebrated honored holidays of the year. It never ceases to amaze me how many people get into the spirit of the holiday and enjoy the festivities. 2,000 years ago, Halloween was a very sacred holiday celebrated by the Celtic people in the ancient British Isles. It was a holiday celebrated by Druids, Witches and Wiccan Covens, Fairies, Elves, and various other Celtic Tribes. On All Hallows' Eve, as it was called back then, the Druids would go from door to door holding an empty basket asking for fruit and whatever treats the residents would give them. Later in the evening, everyone would gather together in a festival, dancing, singing, playing, and enjoying the foods they were given.

Many centuries later, Halloween is still a celebrated holiday, but today things have drastically changed. People still enjoy wearing costumes, pretending to be their alter ego. They also enjoy going door to door saying, "trick or treat" and asking for sweet treats, but the tradition has vastly changed. Halloween is probably one of the most expensive holidays. As soon as the summer begins to fade, stores begin stocking up for Halloween and the Christmas Holiday Season. Throughout the store, you’ll see the regular merchandise combined with racks upon racks of new Halloween paraphernalia.

One of the biggest traditions of Halloween is the wild and elaborate costumes people design. Many people go with the traditional Angels, Ghosts, Devils, and Superheroes, while others opt for outlandish costumes, portraying celebrities in Hollywood. The costumes are usually cute, colorful, and beautiful and the makeup is a process all to its own. Dressing up and playing make believe, pretending to be someone or something else for a day is fun and exciting. It is a beautiful way to express the inner child. The problem is that the makeup and hair goo that is used to complement the costumes is usually toxic, smelly, and very harmful to the health. It’s fun to dress up and wear wild and zany colorful makeup and create funny wild hairdos that get attention. But when these products contain toxic petrochemicals, the fun disappears.

I remember attending Halloween parties with friends and I always had a great time dressing up and checking out everyone’s getup. We always had such a great time trying to guess what someone was supposed to be and admiring the elaborate costume designs. Unfortunately, there was also a down side. Each person had bright or dark colorful thick makeup on and colorful hairspray with funky silver and gold streams sticking out of their hair. As soon as I would get close to someone, I would have trouble breathing, would start coughing, and I’d make a mad dash for the bathroom. At first, I thought I was crazy and I couldn’t understand what was wrong until years later.

When my husband and I began learning about holistic natural living, we began to question and analyze all the holidays. We were invited to a couple parties, but we started turning down invitations. I was no longer interested in wearing funky or sexy costumes with wacky colorful makeup because I couldn’t find anything fun that was non-toxic. All those crazy facial makeup applicators and the silver and gold aerosol junk you put in the hair are permeated with toxic petrochemicals. That shiny silver and gold stuff that you use to draw lines and decorations around your eyes and on your cheeks is filled with petroleum, potentially toxic food dyes, and horrible fragrance.
Those petrochemicals contain coal tar, the same smelly toxic chemicals that are used to pave roads and repair leaky roofs. Essentially, you’re putting gasoline on your face and in your hair! If you find this gross and appalling, then you’re paying attention. It’s cheap and massively distributed to all cheap dollar stores and can make people very ill. The fumes from the adulterated scented products pollute the air, groundwater, and wildlife.

If you want to have fun and get dressed up in some wild funky colorful costumes and makeup, opt for something that is safe enough to eat. Aubrey Organics and Aveda make some beautiful makeup, including some playful, funky, wild colors. There’s no reason that you can’t have fun in a non-toxic earth friendly manner. Pure organic plant essences are safer for the environment and the recycled packaging they come in can either be reused or recycled. The cheap inexpensive little makeup applicators you find in the bargain stores are better off ignored.

A really good way to enjoy Halloween and the Holiday Season is to make your own nontoxic earth-friendly makeup and check out some books with some good nontoxic tips. This Halloween, make a strong statement that tells the world that you genuinely care about Mother Earth and all Her Beautiful Creatures. Show the world that  you are no longer willing to patronize those companies that only care about profit margin, even if it means polluting the environment.

The best thing we can do to correct this horrible problem is to become avid strict label readers and vote with our wallets.  Say “No” to greedy multi-nationals! Say “Yes” to organic, green, earth friendly conscious companies that care about Mother Earth, the humans, and the animals. Eat, live, shop, and be Green! Shopping at your local health food store and purchasing only those products and items that are 100% green, organic, and earth friendly, nontoxic is the best thing people can do to contribute to a cleaner greener Earth and reduce our footprint upon Mother Earth.  

To learn more about how to enjoy an organic Halloween and other wonderful Holidays, please check out my website, NotPerfume: and learn how to green your beauty and cosmetics and be more kind and loving to your skin.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Special Holiday Season Bonus Offer For My Tasty Herbal Vegan Cookbook

I want to post a gentle reminder that when you buy my delicious vegan cookbook today, you will receive 2 special Bonuses – a magical healing soup recipe that has been in my family for years and has helped us stay well and a wonderful ebook with great tips about healthy eating and a delicious menu guide – a total value of $70.00. Also, for a limited time, I lowered the price a little bit from the original price, which was $18.11 to $14.44 to help you get through the Holiday Season + when you subscribe today for my Organic Wise Mama Newsletter at my blog:, you will receive some extra special recipes and other goodies. Tasty Herbal Vegan Kitchen cookbook is now published <3 u=""> Remember, my cookbook is in ebook format in pdf to be downloaded and viewed on your computer. Please post your comments here with any questions you may have and send me an email to You can also follow me on Twitter – notperfume.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Holistic Wellness Selfcare is Vital for Life

Self-care has become a vital necessity in my life.  Self-care is not just about everyday living and survival.  It's more than having the strength and energy to get through my day and cope with all of life's challenges.  I prepare delicious healthy meals so I feel good and healthy throughout the day and week. I drink healthy clean water so that I stay hydrated and stay well.  I get plenty of rest and meditate so that I stay well and centered and grounded and I have the physical and mental energy I need to take care of myself and my wonderful beautiful family.  I never truly understood self-care until the day I became a Mother and I truly understood the need for me to take extra tender loving great care of me.  Self-care is exactly as it sounds.  It is a very important wonderful daily process of giving myself the extra gentle tender loving care, love, and respect I need.  It includes everything, including how I brush my hair and my teeth, how I bathe, keeping my indoor air clean and healthy, and enjoying a lot of much needed laughter and loving, tender, caring, cuddles with my dear, sweet, wonderful husband, our adorable beautiful toddler son, and our adorable, sweet, cuddly two cats, our furry baby furry friends.  I am very thankful that at my age today of 45 years, I maintained and kept to my important conscious healthy decisions to treat my body like a temple and keep it healthy and happy.  

There is no coincidence that I feel and look the way I do at 45 years.  I am a healthy nonsmoker, nondrinker, I am a holistic herbalist and I don't even take over the counter bigpharma meds for anything.  I prefer to meditate and rest instead of consuming caffeine.  I'm green and organic from head to  toe.  I am not bragging.  I am very thankful, blessed, and happy for all my important healthy life lessons of wisdom.  I invite you to join me on this journey of holistic self-care healing wellness and you can start by following me on Twitter and Facebook and joining my FREE Organic Wise Mama Newsletter for great #tips #organic #holistic #selfcare #vegan #recipes #foodie #gifts.  Just sign up on the right-hand side of my blog here to the right on the top and enter your name and your email address to receive your special holistic healing self-care gifts.  Please share my newsletter and my blog with your friends.

Much Love Gratitude Blessings Peace,