Indian Dolphin Hug

Indian Dolphin Hug
Love For Mother Earth

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

We Are Healthy, Wise, Aware, Empowered Women

As a wise healthy woman, I take full responsibility for empowering myself by staying healthy, well, wise, and aware.  Part of that responsibility is using the knowledge I have to take the best possible care  of my health and wellness.  This includes using only those products that contain organic plant essences for my beauty, cleanliness, and home cleaning needs.  Because I love and respect myself and I care about my health and wellness, it's very important to me to stay true to myself.  My skin is my largest organ and it absorbs everything I use like a sponge.  This is why I take extra care in using only organic plant essences like lavender, peppermint, and sandalwood for healing aromatherapy, natural beauty, and cleanliness.  This is also why I eat healthy, natural, organic vegan plant-based foods.  I feel a very special deep connection to Mother Earth and I am aware of the beautiful Goddess energy that is within every one of we women.  All grandmothers, mothers, daughters, and sisters need to remember their true natural essence and the innate inner beauty that is inside of them.  When we truly love and respect ourselves, we once again become the beautiful powerful teachers that we are.  This is our true natural organic empowerment.  Women, are you a respected, loved, empowered teacher in your community?  Men, do you love, respect, and appreciate the women in your life?

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