Indian Dolphin Hug

Indian Dolphin Hug
Love For Mother Earth

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Make Green New Year's Resolutions and Keep Them!

Greening your life and improving your health, keeping your carbon footprint small, is becoming easier and simpler. Here are a few tips you can do everyday to begin to make your life greener.

Planet Earth Photo,
Courtesy of

1. Ride a bicycle. Riding a bicycle is great exercise and uses zero gasoline - a very green activity.

2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Reduce your consumption and do your best to buy groceries in bulk, reducing packaging.  Reuse storage and packaging containers. Recycle as much as possible. We can work together to prevent more garbage from rotting in toxic landfills for years to come!

3. Green your bathroom, medicine cabinet, and kitchen. Many toxic petro-chemicals lurk in your everyday cosmetics, personal care products, and cleaning products. One of the most important things you can do to green your life is give your bathroom a green makeover.   

It's the year 2011 in the 21st Century and it's very timely to make the conscious green choice to vote with your wallet and only purchase products from companies who genuinely care about the environment, the animals, and the humans.  Become an avid label reader and simplify your life.  

Did you know that all synthetic color dyes that are in foods and cosmetics are derived from coal tar, which is derived from crude oil petroleum?  So, unless the shampoo, cleanser, or hand soap you're using contains henna, peppermint, and natural wild blue indigo for natural color tint, you're exposing your health and your family's health to poisonous toxins that are going to put your family's health at dangerous risk.  

To learn more about how you can green your home and contribute to the healthy green solution for Mother Earth, please visit my website:

Friday, January 14, 2011

My Historical Hero For Peace and Equality: Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

January 15 is the Birthday of one of my favorite historical heroes, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. worked very hard to promote peace, equality, and justice and spoke to thousands of receptive listeners who promised to share his message.  I've been in humble awe of this wonderful man since I was a young girl and the Holiday observing his Birthday has always been very special to me.  I cry and smile when I hear his voice because he warms my heart and fills my heart with hope and courage.  He inspires me to be a better stronger woman and it's largely because of him that I am a survivor and work hard to promote peace, equality, and justice.  

Photo of 
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
Courtesy of

I'm deeply saddened by the hateful violence that took his life.  It saddens me even more that this mad world continues to be full of toxic hate, ignorance, and intolerance.  This is one of the reasons I'm vegan.  Peace indeed begins on the dinner plate.  As long as people continue to eat a being that was violently slaughtered and had fear and terror coursing through the animal's being right before the slaughter, hate and violence will continue.  This is also the reason I have a pink twibbon on my Twitter avatar.  It's the year 2011 in the 21st Century and the time for love, peace, and compassion are long overdue!

Photo of Vegan Burger, Courtesy of